of Earth

I am a feral Soul
That was seeking true freedom most of her life.
Through living in remote places that required me to dig deep in my self-sufficiency. ​
Through encountering old generational pain recorded in my bones.
Through detaching from anything and everything that was expected of me - as a daughter, as a partner, as a human being living in the society.
And I found it.
I found freedom in listening to the oceanic waves rushing onto the shore of a desert.
I found it in hearing the whispers of the oldest rainforest - recounting stories of the times when our human body could easily expand to the Stars and back.
I found freedom in letting myself be nourished by the warmth of the Sun & mystery of the Moon.
Remembering that freedom lies in our individual connection to ourselves and the environment around us.
Through my life's journey I learned that the connection to my body is crucial to build and sustain the life I desire.
And, that my connection to the Earth is the one that will nourish my body, my spirit and my dreams.
Return to the Frequency of Earth mentorship
Is a 3-months long container where we slowly reweave and restore the connection of your Body & Womb with Earth.
Doing so through sacred self care & ancient practices; we will be dissolving unnecessary (physical/mental/emotional/spiritual) stressors in your life - recentring the voice of your body, your intuition and your cyclical nature.
The space of this mentorship offers support and nourishment to your Feminine; so your womb can root deep into the earth & the seeds of your life can grow. ​​

Included is:

3x 1,5h session
We meet once a month for an online session diving deep into your body & your womb.
This time together will be pointing the direction of the month for us.

3x 45mins follow-up session
These sessions are usually scheduled 2 weeks after your 1,5h session. Here, I witness all that has moved for you and track what is rising to the surface to be processed.

Personalised protocols
You will receive elaborated self care protocols and easy to grasp practices to support you on your journey.

Weekly delivered supportive practices
These are delivered to you every week via email to further support the integration of your protocol & self care. Supportive practice can be for ex. guided meditation, self-massage, etc.
Telegram support
I also communicate with you via Telegram through text/voice messages to ensure the highest level of support possible. I respond to your shares within my work hours Mon-Thurs (9-5) AEST